Fresco is a brand committed to helping those who relate to and appreciate the Fresco lifestyle. As a food brand, Fresco focuses on creating a high-quality experience of taste and life for its customers. By aligning its goals with consumers’ desires, Fresco’s website and branding are signaling that it understands the wants and needs of its customers and it is ready to meet those needs.
2nd Place in Branding Design in Santa Fe College’s 2021 Juried Exhibition.
HEX #515625
C 62 R 82
M 47 G 86
Y 100 B 37
K 38
HEX #00000
C 75 R 0
M 68 G 0
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K 90
Fresco wants its products to be known and recognize for what truly means. We intend to provide our customers with the best pesto recipe experiences from beginning to end, with a smart, searchable website, easy-to-follow instructions, and a handy, quality product.